Sunday 4th June to Sunday 1st October 2023
Just across the border from Eindhoven, The Netherlands, is the town of Pelt, in Belgium where the streets are filled with over 1,000 photos on a route of approx 3km long. Photos are also in the Church, in CC Palethe and at the old Campus of WICO; photos are on walls and large posts. Photos everywhere!
This photo festival is recurring every two years, now is the fourth edition. I participated in 2021 and again now in 2023, representing the RPS Benelux Chapter, as a jury member both times and organiser of our workshops and our own members print expo. In 2021 it was 'People at Work' and this year it is 'Daily Life of Us'.
The photo festival focuses on people. 'Lens op de Mens' with the sub-theme of 'Humour' this year. Martin Parr HonFRPS is a guest, his photos are in CC Palethe and he will be giving a presentation of his work on Saturday 23rd September.
Diana Bokje will be giving our workshop on 'Mindful Photography' on Sunday 24th September. So a weekend worth staying in Pelt!
See website for full programme and details on how to sign-up.
My photos of 'Summer 2022' at POI 14 with all the jury members' photos:

Absolute highlight of the photo festival 2023:
Martin Parr HonFRPS signed my book
Poster for the 2023 edition and map of the route around town:

My two selected photos for the RPS Benelux Members Print Expo,
"Daily Life of Us", at POI 31 on the old Church Wall near CC Palethe

To see all the selected RPS Benelux Chapter Members Print Expo that are hanging at POI 31, the old Church Wall, near CC Palethe, visit the website below, of course it is better to go to Pelt yourself to see them all there!

In the 2021 edition of the Fotofestival, we organised a Documentary Photography workshop led by Pieter van Leeuwen. It went very well and there is a short video of the workshop on the YouTube pages of the Fotofestival, see link: